Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Welcome to our Waterbeach School Early Years Foundation Stage Page
Exciting things the children will be learning in the Spring Term
Our topic for the first half term is ‘We can all be heroes’. We will begin this topic by learning about what makes a Superhero. We will find out about different jobs and learn about some of the Real-Life Superheroes that we come across day to day in our local community, including the emergency services. Please do let us know if you are able to come and talk to the children about your occupation in January. We will then focus on the story ‘Supertato’ and enjoy reading about the adventures of the Evil Pea and Supertato. While learning about this story, we will find out about where fruit and vegetables come from and explore the idea of healthy eating by taking part in a delicious tasting activity! We will be finishing the topic with a Heroes Day on Friday 16th February.
After half term, we will begin our second topic. This topic is ‘The world around us’. We will begin by taking part in the ‘Living Eggs’ project to hatch chicks from eggs in the classroom. We will learn about life cycles as we wait for and watch the eggs hatch. We will then care for the chicks until they are collected to be taken back to the farm at the end of the second week. We will learn about farms and talk about farms around the world. We will also be reading the traditional story of ‘The Little Red Hen’. We will learn actions to help us remember the story and create a story map using props. We will also get to make and bake our own bread – yummy!