Transition Arrangements
For all students, moving class, Key Stage or School can be stressful, but many of our students with additional needs find it particularly so. We support students around transition time in a variety of ways. All students have the benefit of ‘Jump Up’ week in July where they spend time in their new class for September. This gives children a chance to get to know their new teacher (and classmates), find out where toilets, coat pegs and resources are, and to practice other changes to their day (playground changes, tuck shop, lunch timings). Students moving to Cottenham Village College or Impington Village College also experience ‘Jump up week’ around this time too.
In school: we may choose to take your child on a few extra visits to their new classroom at a quiet time. We may take photos and make a transition ‘social story’ for your child to take home over the summer holiday. This will give you the opportunity of looking together at pictures of your child in the new classroom, their new teachers and assistants, and any other features that are relevant to your child. If you are concerned about transition for your child in school, please make this known to your class teacher and request a transition social story.
Through meetings in the summer term, SENS plans, and EHCP documentation are all shared with your child’s new teacher along with any other reports relevant to their additional needs. Teachers also have regular meetings with the SENCo to review children of concern.
Moving to secondary school: Moving to secondary school can be a time of great excitement, but also a time of great anxiety. For students with additional needs we take care to schedule in some extra visits. Depending on the school and child, they may be accompanied by their Teaching Assistant, the SENCo, or other students from their year group. These visits usually take place before ‘Jump Up’ week to help your child feel confident about attending this. We may also choose to make a transition social story if appropriate.
The SENCo meets with the Secondary SENCo in the summer term to discuss children with additional needs. Our SEND records are always forwarded during this term, giving the new school time to arrange provision for September.
A move to a special secondary school will involve a bespoke programme of visits, supported by the SEND team. In some circumstances, a phased transition is appropriate.
Moving to another primary school: We take the utmost care to ensure that our SEND records are always forwarded promptly to your child’s new school. Depending on the location and level of need, the SENCo may also choose to contact the new school’s SENCo either by phone or a visit to ensure that provision is maintained.