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Exam Arrangements

This section is most relevant to parents of students in Year 6. Although we do currently have to test students lower down the school (KS1 tests, Phonics Screening) we are able to integrate these into the students’ day so that many of them do not even realise they have been tested. The class teacher will make any additional arrangements for KS1 testing in response to need.

At KS2, Mr Smith is responsible, in discussion with the class teachers and the SEND team for organising any SATS exam access arrangements. A student does not need to have an EHCP, be on ‘SEN Support’ or even have a diagnosis of anything specific, to gain access arrangements. It is the identification and effect of any difficulty, not the application of a label that makes a child eligible.

Arrangements may include:

  • Additional time
  • Reader (human or computer)
  • Word processor
  • Scribe
  • Prompter
  • Enlarged papers
  • Modified paper (colour, font size, braille, language etc)
  • Smaller/individual room
  • Read aloud
  • Rest breaks

The arrangements must be appropriate to the exam and the student. It would not be appropriate to have a reader for an exam testing reading skills (although a computer reader may be allowed if this is the student’s normal way of working).

If we believe that a child falls within this remit, we will inform parents and make the necessary arrangements. At primary school, it is within our power to identify children and arrange the changes. In secondary school however, the rules are different, and your child may need further assessments.

In very rare cases, we may choose to disapply a child from KS2 tests. In this circumstance Mr Smith or Mr Lloyd would contact you before any decisions are finalised.