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Year 3


Exciting things the children will be learning in the autumn term…

In our history and geography topics we will be looking at the history of the Fens.  The children will be creating local maps and will discover and understand our unique local landscape.  We will learn about how it has changed from fenland to farmland, and we will be thinking about what it was like to live here in the past. We will also look at how local farming has developed through history.  The children’s learning will be extended with a visit to the historic Denny Abbey.  Mrs Page will compliment this topic with teaching the children some fenland music.   In art, the children will be looking at using different textiles to create an image they see at Denny Abbey.  In science the children will learn about fossils, rocks and soil and then during the second part of the term they will study forces.  In RE, the children will look at the topics, ‘What is important for Jews about being in God’s family’ and ‘What do Christians learn from the creation story?’ In PSHE, the children will be looking at Growth Mindset and the units Rights and Responsibilities, My Emotions and Anti Bullying.  In Computing, we will be learning about online safety.  In Year 3 the children are introduced to learning French.


More information about our curriculum

More information about the curriculum content can be found in our ‘Curriculum Captures’ (click here) on the school website. These are useful for parents to see the content of what is being taught and to use this information to help support your child at home.