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  • 18/12/19

    Rock Steady Concert

    What a fantastic 'rock concert' we had in the school hall this morning....
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  • 19/11/19

    Children In Need

      On Friday 15th November it was Children in Need, the children participated by dressing up in their sports wear and took part in a carousel of activities. Why not take a look at what we have been up to!
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  • 24/07/19

    Teacher Training

    You may not know but we are facing a teacher shortage in Cambridgeshire.   Teach in Cambridgeshire have organised an Initial Teacher Training event to make people more aware of all the options open to them. This event will be of use to anyone considering a career in teaching...
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  • 19/06/19

    Latest News

    Check out the Children's Pages (relevant years) to see all the new and exciting learning experiences the classes have been up to.
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  • 07/06/19

    Anderson Shelters

    Year 4 are learning all about WW2......
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  • 22/03/19


    With all the building work going on around the school,
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