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Year 1


Our topic for the whole term is Down on the Farm. In this topic we will explore what happens on a farm and how farming has changed over time. We will look at the different jobs on a farm, types of machinery and what it is like working in the fields. In DT, we will use different farm produce to create our own fruit and vegetable kebabs, we will explore different tastes and textures of produce before using this information to help us design a delicious fruit kebab. In Art, we will look at the artist Guiseppe Acimboldo who liked to work with fruits and vegetables. We will explore different sketching techniques of fruits and vegetables before creating our own self-portraits in the style of his work. In Music, we will go ‘down on the farm’ and explore music and songs about farms.  

In Science, we will explore the seasons, we will begin with Autumn and explore different signs of Autumn, what the weather is like, what clothes we wear, what changes happen with animals. In Geography, we will use the school grounds to explore our mapping skills. We will learn the compass points and use these to help us map a route around the school. In RE, we will explore ‘Who am I?’ before finding out about views on creation and ‘who made the world?’ In Computing, we will explore internet safety and in PSHE we will learn more about Growth Mindset and about rights, rules, and responsibilities.